Our practice sits on the threshold between architecture, planning and creative practice; helping define a nuanced attitude towards dynamic planning and urban design that addresses complex situations and multiple requirements.
We see architecture being as much the provision of a service as the fabrication of a product. We see space as a consequence of multiple voices and demands and not the outcome of simply arranging a series of objects or aesthetic totums. We work with our clients, stakeholders and occupants to understand the issues, needs and ambitions of a project or a place and co-produce imaginative and inspirational responses.
We use research and evidence-based practice to make sense of complex situations and to establish a narrative approach to design articulating the objectives of a project in a persuasive form that can drive change and build ownership. Process and context led rather than form driven, our proposals are uniquely tuned for each situation creating strategies that reunite the spatial and urban with wider understandings of people, place, history and economy.
Big thinking leads to large scale plans, but we also work on small scale, interstitial and meanwhile urban projects that bring significant benefits in their own right while being important catalysts and iterative means of informing and testing long term strategies for larger scale change.
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020 7729 0770 - Email
[email protected] - Website
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Preferred Methods of Contact
Telephone: 020 7729 0770
Email: [email protected]
148 Curtain Road
United Kingdom (UK)